Static pages and articles
How do write a text with the editor?
How do you write a text editor?
1 -
Log in your administration.
Click on the button ''My web site''.
2 -
Then click on the button ''Statics pages''.
3 -
internet shopping cart
Click on the active static page in which you want to write a text.
4 -
The page editor will appear.
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Click on the icon ''T''.
5 -
6 -
The message ''Your text here'' on the page will appear, click twice on it.
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Open framework, it is a text editor.
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Delete the message ''Your text here'' and enter your text.
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The [b ]Bold[/b ], [i]Italic[/i], [u]Underlined[/u] and Tabulation [t] :
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You can choose to make your text bold, italic or underline. You can also make tabs.
The tag [b ]Bold[/b ] :
Select the text you wish to make bold with your mouse.
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Click on the words ''[b ]Bold[/b ]''. The [b ] and [/b ] tag will position themselves on either side of the text you have selected.
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Click on the ''Close'' button to see the result.
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Here are the results :
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If you do not want to bold text, simply delete the tags [b ] and [/b ].
The tag [i]Italic[/i] :
Select the text you want to italicize with your mouse.
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Click on the words ''[i]Italic[/i]''. Tags [i] and [/i] will position themselves on either side of the text you have selected.
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Click on the ''Close'' button to see the result.
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Here are the results :
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If you do not want to put the text in italics, simply remove the tags [i] and [/i].
The tag [u]Underlined[/u] :
Select the text you want to underlined with your mouse.
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Click on the words ''[u]Underlined[/u].'' The [u] and [/u] will position themselves on either side of the text you have selected.
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Click on the ''Close'' button to see the result.
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Here are the results :
Virtual Store
If you do not want the text to be highlighted, just delete the tags [u] and [/u].
The tag Tab [t] :
A tab is the equivalent of three spaces.
Place the cursor where you want to make a tab in your text and click on the words ''Tabulation [t]''. Repeat this to all the places you want to do a tab in your text.
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Click on the ''Close'' button to see the result.
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Here are the results :
online shopping cart software
If you do not want the tab, simply remove the tags [t].
The 140 symbols :
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There is a selection of 140 symbols you can use in your text. To view them, we recommend them to a size of 20 pixels.
To see the list of symbols, just click on the arrows under the symbols.
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Place the cursor where you want to appear a symbol and click on the symbol you have chosen.
Internet Marketing
Click on the ''Close'' button to see the result.
ecommerce solution
Here are the results :
ecommerce hosting
Click on the button ''Text'' and tools to improve your text to suit your needs arise.
10 -
ecommerce site
Police determines the shape of the letters of the text. Click the down arrow next to the word ''Font'' and you can choose the type of font you want for your text, you have forty-one (41) choice.
Font :
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Note : To get the result you want, click ''Close''. To return to the tools to enhance your text, double click on the text and then click on the button ''Text''.
Click the down arrow next to the word ''Color'' and choose a color for your text with your mouse.
Color :
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Note : To get the result you want, click ''Close''. To return to the tools to enhance your text, double click on the text and then click on the button ''Text''.
Enter a number in the box next to the word ''Size'' will determine the size of your text. The higher the number will be high over your text will be bigger and the number will be your extra text will be small.
Size :
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Note : To get the result you want, click ''Close''. To return to the tools to enhance your text, double click on the text and then click on the button ''Text''.
Alignment (or ''Align'') determines the location of text in a frame. You have to make a frame around your text.
Alignment :
ecommerce shopping cart
If you want to make a frame around your text, go to the FAQ in the category ''Static pages and articles'' and click on the question ''How to create a frame around a text ?''.
If you do not frame around your text, the only option that applies to a text without context is the option ''justify''.
- Explanation of the option ''justify'' :
The option ''justify'' is in the section ''Align'' of the section ''Text''.
The option ''justify'' is used to equalize your text to the right especially when your text is long (more than a line). This allows you to make your text look much more attractive and pleasant to read for your customers.
- Example without the option ''justify'':
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- Example with the option ''justify'':
e-commerce website design
Click the down arrow next to the word ''Background'' and choose a background color for your text, if you do not want a background color for your text, choose ''Transparent''.
Background :
shopping cart
Here are the results if you choose the color ''yellow'' :
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Margin :
The ''Margin'' used only if there is a box around your text, it serves to set a distance between the text and the top and bottom of the frame.
e-commerce web site
If you want to make a frame around your text, go to the FAQ in the category ''Static pages and articles'' and click on the question ''How to create a frame around a text ?''.
Tip : Save often in the editor and will refresh your e-commerce as often, that way you will see the results of your work at the same rate as your work progresses, it will be easier for you to see where you've made.
Ecommerce solutions

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