Products and categories
How do I use the function to write a comment on products?
How do I use the function to write a comment on products?
The function ''To see or write a comment'' is located in the retail product.
Ecommerce solutions
For your customers to use this feature, you must first enable it in your administration. Here's how to enable this feature :
Log in your administration.
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2 -
Click on the button ''My web site''.
ecommerce hosting
You are automatically directed in the section ''General Settings'' - ''Generals configurations''.
3 -
ecommerce web hosting
4 -
Click on the icon ''Configurations of the options and the static pages''.
ecommerce software
The section ''Configurations of the options and the static pages'' will appear. This section is very large, so we present only a small part of the section.
ecommerce shopping cart
In the section ''Options'', click in the square next to the option ''Comments products : Allows your customers to comment on your products''. A small black hook will appear in the square. The option is automatically enabled in your online store.
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ecommerce solution provider
How to use the function :
In the product details, click on ''To see or write a comment''.
shopping cart software
The window ''Add a comment to this product'' will appear.
shopping cart
1 - Score :
Click the down arrow and select a rating from 1 to 5.
shopping carts
The score determines the number of stars for the product and the number of stars is calculated using the average score that the product has received.
Example : The product receives three score (2- Average, 4- Very good, 3- Good). The average score is calculated (2 + 4 + 3 = 9. 9 divided by 3 = 3). There will be three stars for this product.
ecommerce solution
2 - Country :
Click the down arrow and select country.
Countries available in the list are those that you configured in the territories. To learn how to create your territories, see the question ''How to create my territories?'' in the category ''Configuration and appearance of my Web site'' of the FAQ.
ecommerce web site design
3 - Name :
Sign your name.
4 - Email :
Enter your email address. This field is not mandatory, you can send your comments even if you do not enter your e-mail.
online shopping cart
5 - Comment :
Write your comment for this product.
e-commerce web site
Click on the button ''Send''.
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ecommerce solutions
The following message will appear: Your comment it will be displayed soon. Thanks.
Click ''OK''.
online store
The comment will be redirected in your administration. To learn how to manage product comment, see ''Management of the products and the categories'' of the FAQ.
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If you no longer wish to view comments. Click the button ''Hide comments''.
ecommerce shopping cart software

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