Sales and statistics
How do I reset my statistics?
How do I reset my statistics?
Log in your administration.
1 -
Click on the button ''My sales/statistics''.
2 -
ecommerce software
3 -
Click on the button ''Reset the statistics'' in the first box in the upper right.
ecommerce web site design
The following message appears : ''Are you sure to reset the statistics?''. Click on ''OK''.
ecommerce web hosting
The statistics will be reset.
Note ( 1 ) : The following statistics will be reset : Total of visitors, Average of visitors per day, Average time by visit, Average of pages per visit, Visited pages search engines, Visited pages by people, English pages percentage, French pages percentage, Spanish pages percentage.
ecommerce solutions
Note ( 2 ) : The statistics ''Total sales'' will not be reset and will remain unchanged and all the statistics in the second frame.
ecommerce hosting
If you want the total sales is reset, you must delete the invoices in the sales history (not in new sales).
To help you remove the invoices in the history of sales, please refer to the question ''How do I delete an invoice ?'' of the category ''My sales and statistics '' of the FAQ.

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