How do I create my homepage?
I signed up yesterday to set up my online store
but I do not know how to change the home page test. I can not write or erase
I really need help especially since I'm not a pro computer
thank you to all those who read me
Author : karine S.
Readings : 830
Creation : 2010-01-11
benebond said ...
You have to visit my site, static pages, home, then you double click on everything you want to delete, and does the opposite, clkiquer tab, picture ... do not forget to save a manip in each case. If you need advice. Contact me.
Manue said ...
I also need help, I followed the insructions a letter, and I still can not insert pictures into my homepages static ...
KingEshop said ...

For Karine S.,

Please see our FAQ, it contains all the necessary information to help you :

For Manue,

Most likely you try to insert images that are too heavy. Images must not exceed a weight of 150K.


KingEshop Team.
benebond said ...
For photos when you click the photo, the square with a triangle, then you must click twice on the white stripe you can insert your photo then double click on insert.
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