Main questions
How are the shops removed?
How are the shops removed?
If you have a shop and you want to keep it for a very long time, please follow these simple (and easy) principles and you'll never have any problems or unnecessary expense.
Our system gives clear priority to shop owners who want to keep their sites and are working on their shops regularly.
Our system removes fully automatically stores in the following situations :
1 - After 30 days without connection of the administrator.
Unfortunately, given the huge demand that we have, we can not afford to let inactive sites and our system automatically removes them permanently.
This is very clearly stated in the terms and conditions that you must accept at the time of registration (go to the paragraph ''Suppression pour inactivité'') :
Please, if you want to keep your site, you must sign up and make sure you connect as Administrator at least once a month.
Important note : No notice is sent to notify you of the future deletion of your site. It is your responsibility to respect the rule of connecting at least once every 30 days and make sure you do not exceed this limit.
2 - When your own domain name no longer points on our servers.
If you use your own domain name, you must take care not, at some point, to make a bad configuration at your registrar. In general, after having done the configuration at your registrar, the best thing is to not touch it anymore.
3 - When your own domain name has expired in your registrar.
If you want to keep your shop and you have your own domain name, you must be careful not to let the domain name expire.
In addition to losing your shop, you risk that someone else buys your domain name is going to profit from your work.
4 - When you move your shop with another provider.
If you have your own domain name and you want to go with another provider, you must wait until the last minute to change the configuration at the current registrar, otherwise all your old data will be lost.
Our system continuously checks the domain names and deleting them immediately when they do not point to our servers.
In special cases, it is sometimes possible to retrieve your data from old backups, but there is a fee of 50 euros for this work. To avoid unnecessary expense and trouble, please follow the advice given above.
5 - When you insert a link to a new online store
KingEshop shops are only for people who want to work with our system to prosper. It is impossible to use our system in order to redirect traffic and search engine optimization to a new shop.
If you plan to create a new store at another provider, you must work on your new shop and let us know when the old shop will no longer be used.
Please do not create a link pointing to your new e-commerce, because our system checks continuously and automatically removes any site without prior warning in this situation.
As in the previous paragraph, in particular cases, it is sometimes possible to retrieve your data from old backups, but there is a fee of 50 euros for this work. To avoid unnecessary expense and trouble, please follow the advice given above.
6 - When you neglect your customers
You should always respond quickly when your customer makes a purchase or when he complains about a problem with delivery or quality of the goods. If you neglect your customers, if we receive complaints or when we see that you have sales accumulated which you haven't read, you expose yourself to closure of your boutique.
You should not forget that people who shop in your shop trust you. Please, take care to honor your sales, you will keep your shop and you will avoid trouble with your clients.
7 - When your email address is invalid
It is very important to understand that email is the only identifier that connects you to your online store and proves that you are the only rightful owner. If we are unable to verify that you are the rightful owner, the shop will be removed without notice.
You must understand that for reasons of basic security, we can not give ownership of a shop to someone on the simple fact that he himself says he is the owner.
In all cases, prevention is the best solution. Take care of your email account, you'll save yourself trouble and you never have problems to confirm your ownership.
8 - When you do not follow our terms and conditions
Before creating an online store, you must very carefully read our terms and conditions. If your activities are outside the scope of what is accepted, it is useless to try to see if it works, because for sure you will work hard on your shop and your work will be lost without notice.
Our terms and conditions are very broad and allow everyone to sell a lot of things. However, if your business is at the limit of what is permitted, please, write us to ask us and you'll rest in peace.
In closing, for whatever reason, if you want to delete your online store, simply email us at :

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