Homepage fonts
I would write a new font that I downloaded. Is that possible?
Author : carpe diem
Readings : 897
Creation : 2010-09-04
KingEshop said ...
Hi Carpe diem,

It is not possible, you must use the fonts available in the editor. Anyway, this is unnecessary because the fonts that you see on the Internet are those installed in your computer and it is unlikely that your customers also have the font you downloaded into their computers.

If you want to see exactly the same thing from one computer to another, you must use a font less exotic like Verdana.


KingEshop Team.
Carpe Diem said ...
Thank you. I chose not comic ms I hope it will.
I take this opportunity to congratulate you on your site. I sui novice in this area and to find a site accessible to my little skills I greatly look. At home everything is clear, though expiqué, the graphics are nice .... A site to recommend!
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