Homepage changed and I know how to go back
hello to all
I chose the model proposed for the n2 home with a box and the TV picture, I know what manipulation I did but now that I've seen the box and when I keep clicking left down, the pictures appear tv but when I release the pictures disappear and not return to the original version that is 3 times that I have to start from scratch and I understand how to change the picture while keeping the box.
thank you for your invaluable help (I lose a lot of time with this small technical problem)
pleasure to read you
Author : soleil
Readings : 983
Creation : 2010-02-13
KingEshop said ...
Hi Soleil,

The TV pictures are below the frame. You must move the frame to access the TV picture.


KingEshop Team.
soleil said ...
hello and thank you for your reply
I actually saw the pictures that are below the frame but the problem is that after moving the part I find difficult to ensure that photos are again visible on the frame as the model original. In fact now my home page, we see that the empty frame and not the pictures that I can not otherwise modify
my question is: how to change the image and after modification, how to ensure they are again visible on the framework
thank you
fred said ...
For photos can be found above the frame, you must move the frame on the right to access the gallery below, move the picture to another location has put the framework and then put the photo has its place and with it your picture is featured again at the top of the frame and hope you have help.
cordially fred
soleil said ...
hello fred
thank you for your help, I actually did the test by moving the frame and it works.
best regards
fred said ...
Hoping to help you again if I was little.
Regards fred
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