First sale
Saturday, I sold the first item. It was bought in BC via the optional mode of payment: Carte Bleue.
Although I have a Paypal account, I still have no new money? Must have a merchant account in addition to Paypal account? How do I check my Paypal account is active (I have a little money on ...)< br /> Thank
Author : Anonymous
Readings : 1111
Creation : 2009-10-20
philippe said ...
you must see on paypal if there was a deposit?
ago that's how little you know if the customer has paid
Anonymous said ...
in fact, must register yourself an account with paypal which the customer can pay for purchases even if he has no paypal account and that with the card of choice (visa, mastercard ...) but through your PayPal account (PayPal, which is responsible for all)

if you want to go through paypal for payment by credit card, you must then install a card reader that you rent from your banker.

it is true that it's not obvious to understand all this

In my opinion, there has been no transaction if you have not installed a card reader. In this case, we must put jsute as payment paypal, and after the customer will be redirected to the payment card or paypal.

ouff is a bit complicated right?
KingEshop said ...

Do not confuse the two methods of payment by credit card, that is to say, pay with a credit card with Paypal and pay with a credit card without PayPal.

When you accept payments by credit cards with Paypal, you do not configure the card, is that Paypal takes care of everything. Upon purchase, the customer has the choice to pay with its own Paypal account or if he does not use his own PayPal account you may pay with his credit card through PayPal. This is the best of both worlds. Here's a question in our FAQ which explains how you accept credit card payments through Paypal :

When you accept payments by credit card without Paypal, you must validate the credit card manually with a terminal (rented) from your bank. The money your customer will be transferred into your bank account. Paypal has no role in this type of payment. Here's a question in our FAQ which explains how you accept credit card payments without Paypal :


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