Email shop
I wonder if you can send an email to a client to indicate whether the consignment or tracking number with delivery address as that of our shop. thank you
Author : marc
Readings : 951
Creation : 2010-01-08
benebond said ...
I am creating a mail pro with the name of my site, and whenever I have a sale, send a message to confirm receipt of the order and given the appropriate news ...
marc said ...
hello Pernes les Fontaines
m thank you for responding so quickly
you have a beautiful store, very profesionnelle very beautiful home just a little paypal logo crushed but otherwise superb showcase. I saw that you used as msn email address for your store. thank you again
véro said ...
When you have your paypal payment you have the email client you can then inform you received the order and when you resume you sent in the mail simply (it's easy! Good continuation
benebond said ...
in all cases, you need a mail if you use paypal, I configured my mail for paypal and if people ar pay check as I said earlier. Thank you for your compliments, it's very nice.

Good continuation.
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