Domain name
hello I would like to know I want to buy a domain name
expensive but it offers me 3 offers then let me know if I can take the cheapest or most expensive, so if it change something? because j ' I saw that there were differences in storage ect ..... I opened my shop in last are what matter. com and. com sa change anything?
thank you d advance for your reply.
Author : Anonymous
Readings : 1165
Creation : 2009-11-07
KingEshop said ...

You can take the lowest bid because it we (KingEshop) that host your site, it is not at all necessary to pay additional charges for storage.

Regarding the choice of .com or .fr, it does not really matter, but if you want to sell your products primarily in France it is preferable to a domain name with .fr. If you want to sell your products around the world, it is best to take a domain name .com.


KingEshop Team.
Anonymous said ...
thank you to the team KingEshop for responding so quickly
the problem in. com domain name is already booked so I'll be forced to take. com
thank you for your information.
best regards
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