Display in updating my site
hello, what visitors see when they visit my site www.bestdiscount.fr while I'm updating it?
Is it possible to configure a function or a special message ...?< br /> thank you in advance
Author : Philippe
Readings : 1321
Creation : 2009-09-25
Ni62 said ...
Hello Philippe,

I see what you're talking, the better that you open your site at the same time as you work on your admin, that way you can see what you see on your site do regularly refresh your page to see what appears to As for your items that does not pose any problem they appear once registered on the topics you have the possibility of the disabled while you hump, by cons on static pages that remains visible while you hump and we see what changes you can make the time you work it is to put a sentence in red and bold type page maintenance or something like that because there was no opportunity to disable these pages here.

philippe said ...
So, if I understand ni62, while I do my updates, customers can still access the site. they have no error message 404 or something else?
thank you advice
Ni62 said ...
Hello Philip,

404 error happens if the website page or site is not online, because it was removed from the www directory on the FTP, this kind of mistake happens more with sites in HTML, if the webmaster is 1 bad manip, or he forgets to remove a link to the page that is no longer online

So do not worry your customers will always have access to your site and may even buy without worry, while you make changes to your pages, because in your database admin is all a result of different programming with a specific function each share, which do not conflict with each other
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