Develop a unique product in two different categories

I just created a new category where I just put my new articles but I'd like these new items are also in the appropriate category. Is this possible?
When I tried to do is code-level product that blocks ...

Thank you
Author : popo
Readings : 723
Creation : 2010-06-11
NWA said ...

If it hangs at the code level, the ideal is to: a + pasted your code. The benefit to you is that the code produced is always good when you order from your supplier. But watch out for referencing a duplicate content is not always good. That is to say if Google sees that you have 3 url with the same keyword it is thought that too much force and keyword can drop in google. See never even appear! So no more 2 max.

Looking forward
Céline D. said ...

We must create the product twice. It's tedious but to my knowledge there is no other possibility.

KingEshop said ...
Hi Popo,

To put a product in several categories, you must create a new product by changing the code ID of the product because you can not have the same single code ID for multiple products.


KingEshop Team.
popo said ...
thank you all for your answers so fast!

I glue myself away!

Good day to all!
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