Custumer questions
Hello, I would have some answers to questions I posed about using KingEshop:
-Is it possible to add a private space with login / password (customer account, with remission defined)
-inventory management is it possible by automatic controls?
-item can be automatically reported out of stock when the stock is zero?

Thank you for your answers!
Author : ohlala
Readings : 766
Creation : 2010-02-25
KingEshop said ...
Hi Ohlala,

It is not possible to create a private space, your site is accessible to everyone. However, if you want to discounts, you can create coupons that you can give to clients privileged. Here's a question that our FAQ will help you (go to the section ''c) Management of coupons'') :

For inventory management, here's a question that our FAQ will help you:

Best regards,

Team KingEshop.
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