Color overlay

Can someone enlighten me on the possibility to change the background color of the page? Around the content, the background is gray now, and I would put it in black.

Thank you in advance!
Author : Anonymous
Readings : 1069
Creation : 2009-12-09
nicolas said ...
Same same question, I can not find some of it pretty colored background, but it is always white.
can be help KingEshop, this topic would not hurt.
thank you
katseyes61 said ...

I can restart this conversation because I love also change the color of my page background

thank you
Anonymous said ...
must search the forum this question has already been raised and answered ... best regards,
Alain said ...
You can change the overlay of static pages.
why must comply with an order of superposition.
1) You go on a completely blank page
2) You put your page with the button to insert image
3) You put your other images and text.

I suggest you make a backup 1st when your fund has been set and make a contribution to each image or text.
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