Change web address - domain name?
I'm not sure I understood all the FAQ. I want to change the address of my site, I want to remove kingeshop in the address, to make it easier to capture. The "king shop" advertising on my site no bother my. It's just a matter of entering the address on the address bar. Do I must change my domain name? Is it the same?

Thank you for your response.
Author : louise
Readings : 1039
Creation : 2011-11-16
Anonymous said ...
hello, to have your own domain name, you must subscribe to special service with a registrar to host your site.
everything is very well explained here:
faq-principal questions - how can I have my own domain name?
Have a good day.
Gerard said ...

I just did it, it's pretty simple, I bought my domain name with 1and1 and once my current domain, I followed the kingeshop faq.
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