Main questions
Can I change a domain name several times?
Can I change a domain name several times?
If you have already configured a domain name once and for some reason you want to configure a new name for the same shop, heres what you should know :
Fees :
1 - If you have a domain name with KingEshop www.blabla.kingeshop type and you want to get a domain name without hyphens type, its FREE.
2 - If you have a domain name with KingEshop like www.blabla.kingeshop and you want to get a domain name with hyphens, like is 20 euros, payable only once.
3 - If you have already configured a domain name with us (with or without hyphens) like or and you want another different domain name without hyphens like, the fee is 12 euros (payable once).
4 - If you have already configured a domain name with us (with or without hyphens) like or and want another name for different domains WITH hyphens like, the fee is 12 euros 20 euros = 32 euros (payable once).
Important 1 : All these rules (1,2,3 and 4) also apply when you change a domain name with the subdomain by another with the same subdomain. For example, if your shop is and becomes this accounts for a change in the same way as if you had made the request to have your own domain name.
Important 2 : If you have a first configuration of the domain name, you asked us to cancel the change and then you ask again a new configuration, the cost of 12 euros applies without exeption (plus expenses 20 euros if your new domain name contains hyphens).

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