Hello, I'd like to understand why my entries do not appear on my site. They were at the beginning, I have removed and then finally, I've edited.
They appear very active in my interface and I Refresh several times without results.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Author : plenitude
Readings : 988
Creation : 2010-04-08
plenitude said ...
Re good thing, as if by accident today and I decided to ask for help I found! So now my items are published.
By cons Is it possible to change the title of a static page, because unless I am mistaken, there is no example of general conditions. Or should I simply create a category for the conditions?
Again thank you.
KingEshop said ...
Hi Plenitude,

It is not possible to change the name of the static pages (Home, About us, Clients, etc.).

You must actually create a category for general conditions.


KingEshop Team.
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