A opinion of my draft shop
Hello all

I shall build my shop. I've read that you are providing advice to people who come regularly to ask for help
And suddenly I'm taking a doubt, for my shop.
I'm in the construction phase, there is no sale items but I still loved you tell me what you think of what is currently in place.

And especially the homepage, is what I will not have to be more explicit about what I'm going to sell or is that the categories are enough?
And I have a pet peeve ...... spelling mistakes, so tell me if you skid a few

So now, feel free to stroll around the topics they are finished (or almost:))
I think add a profile tab to introduce myself a bit

In one of the tabs I have my mid coordinates (which are no good now I have moved but good) is what you think is appropriate or dangerous ....
I look forward to your opinion and be critical but .........( forgiving as I am gifted with my hands to create jewelry and other cards, as I am a real quiche soon as one touches the web ....)

Author : Galadrielle
Readings : 624
Creation : 2010-08-23
Galadrielle said ...
pfffffff I forgot to give you the link to my shop hihihi

CréaStyx said ...
Good evening

I'm sorry but I do not like the photo on the homepage, it's heavy and quite aggressive compared to the colors.
I think purple and green do not go together ...

Compared to the editor of your topics I do not like the presentation ...
Black and bold = aggressive
I am a lover of centered text, so much more pleasant and beautiful!
It says a bit big O_O
Ever yours,
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