A little advice on my site

Voila everything is in the title, I would like advice on my shop.
It is still under construction so there are missing images, headings are blank or incomplete, the domain name is not redirected to the shop. In short it is a mess but I'd like your opinion so that we can make changes until everything is done.

In advance thank you to those who take the trouble to answer me.

Temporary Address: http://www.lansarguespc.kingeshop.com/
Author : Anonymous
Readings : 836
Creation : 2010-01-17
Fabrice said ...
Opinions, advice please.

Thank you
lola said ...
I just visited your site.
I think for a critical opinion should be that you end up.
However I can give you this advice: pay attention to pictures as they are a bit dark because the box is already dark and the picture has 50% of the grip.
When you're finished I'll be happy to revisit a more global view.
good luck and continued
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